  • Automotive
  • Railroad
  • Medical/Baby Product
  • Electric/Electronics/Wire
  • Home Products
  • ETC



Silicone Rubber is classified into HCR (High Temperature Vulcanization) and RT (Room Temperature Vulcanization) by its curing temperature. Also, HCR is divided into Millable Type Silicone Rubber and Liquid Type Silicone Rubber by its degree of polymerization.

Millable Type Silicone Rubber is composed mainly of Polyorgarnosilioxan(Silicone Polymer) and Silica with various additives to grant diversified characteristics. We call this stage for Silicone Rubber as “Base Compound”. Then this “Base Compound” is catalyzed, pigmented with roll and cured by press molding and extrusion etc...

Due to its status, Millable Type Silicone Rubber is also being called as “HCR (High Consistency Silicone Rubber)” in the market.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC


Silicone rubber has properties including heat resistance, oil resistance, voltage resistance,high tear strength and self lubrication, etc.

The total quantity of silicone rubber used in an automobile is in the range of 1.0 ~ 1.5kg with the quantity of silicone rubber used increasing gradually with focus on special grade products.

In addition,a wide range of components for applications in adhesion, ordinary O-ring, gasket and other insertion products is being used.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC


Special grade silicone rubbers with high tensile strength, high tear strength and outstanding ability to prevent proliferation of flame are used in the railway industry.

As ultra-large scale shaped product, those that have outstanding characteristics in workability and passes the UL 94 V-O and BS flame resistance criterial in preparation for the risks of fires are being used.

In addition, O-rings with heat and oil resistance are used as gasket components with a wide range of applications.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC

Medical/Baby Product

Silicone rubber is physiologically inactive (non-toxic) and has a diverse range of characteristics including high level of transparency and high tear strength, etc

It is being used widely in the medical and infant products industries including feeding bottle, pacifier and bottle caps on the basis of these material features.

In addition,silicone rubber has outstanding characteristics against compression, extrusion and injection molding, making it highly useful in the medical and infant products industries

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC


Silicone rubber is equipped with highly outstanding characteristics including ozone resistance, weather resistance, electrical insulation and chemical stability.

The ordinary silicone used in electrical installations is applied in electrical cable, wire, hose or tube with low current. In addition, special grade silicone is used for smoke resistant, heat resistant and flame resistant high voltage cables

Moreover, products that have acquired UL 94 V-0 are used in the electrical and electronics industry in anticipation for the risks of high temperature and fire.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC

Home Products

Silicone rubber is equipped with a diverse range of characteristics including environment-friendliness, non-toxicity, heat resistance and steam resistance, etc.

Ordinary grade and special grade silicone rubbers are used for a diverse range of products in the home products industry on the basis of these characteristics.

Moreover, silicone rubber that has attained ISO 9001, 14001, 13485 and RoHS quality certification with outstanding workability is being used in the home products industry.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC


On the basis of the outstanding characteristics of the silicone rubber, it is being used in a diverse range of industries.

Due to its excellent heat resistance, high expandability, high elasticity and outstanding mechanical characteristics, it is also used in designing of the metallic and plastic polymer mold as well as in roll cover and insulation tapes, etc.

  • Automotive

  • Railroad

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • Electric/Electronics/Wire

  • Home Products

  • ETC

  • Automobile
  • Electrical/Electronic/Mobile
  • Household goods
  • Medical/Infant
  • ETC



LSR is Liquid Type and High Temperature Vulcanization Silicone Rubber.

LLSR differs from Millable Type Silicone Rubber and RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanization) by its degree of viscosity and curing temperature. LSR is perfect rubber material for automated injection molding due to its excellent liquidity.

Also, LSR is ideal for complex molds, demanding design and tolerance because it can be easily filled almost every complex part of a mold.

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC


Liquid silicone rubber is equipped with characteristics including quick hardening speed, high tear and mechanical strength, prolonged period of self-lubrication, low viscosity and high elasticity.

Therefore, it is used in a diverse range of components in the automotive industry including spark plug connector and gasket, etc. on the basis of such characteristics.

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC


Liquid silicone rubber has characteristics including quick hardening speed and low permanent compression shrinkage rate as well as weather resistance that ensures its physical properties will not change even after prolonged period of external exposure

Therefore, it is used in a diverse range of products and components including electrical and electronic components, and waterproof seal in the electrical / electronic / mobile industry by using these characteristics.

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC

Home Products

The home products industry uses the materials with characteristics including high tear strengthand mechanical strength, and quick hardening speed as well as those that are harmless to human body and environment-friendly.

As such, liquid silicone rubber is used widely in the home products industry since it not only has these characteristics but also can reduce the production cost and labor cost in manufacturing of the injection molded products.

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC

Medical/Baby Product

Liquid silicone rubber has high level of transparency as well as tear and mechanical strength in comparison to the solid silicone rubber.

Therefore, liquid silicone rubber is used widely for the products in the medical / infant industry such as pacifier for infants, medical tubes and hoses that require high level of transparency, high tear strength and non-toxicity on the basis of these characteristics.

  • Automobile industry

  • Electrical/Electronic/Mobile

  • Household goods industry

  • Medical/Infant industry

  • ETC

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC


Liquid silicone rubber is equipped with characteristics including high level of heteromorphism low linear shrinkage and outstanding flowability.

Accordingly, liquid silicone rubber is used widely in mold for accessories and toys, and in copying plaster cast, etc. on the basis of these characteristics.

  • Automotive

  • Electric/Electronics/Mobile

  • Home Products

  • Medical/Baby Product

  • ETC

  • FS (Fire-Stop System)
  • DM (Dental Impression Materials)
  • MMR(Mold Making Rubber)


FS (Fire-Stop system)

FS(Fire-Stop System) is fire-stop material and designed based on Silicone Rubber’s unique characteristics such as high temperature resistance, flame retardant, sound-proofness and air-tightness. FS Foam effectively seals the opening of buildings to protect human from harmful gases.

DM (Dental impression materials)

A Dental Impression Material is one of the most important materials that is used in the process of dental prosthetics. It imprints dentition or surrounding structures of oral cavity and provides detailed and stable negative of teeth. HRS silicone dental impression material called Sildent is hydrophilic addition silicone that has good wet ability when condensation silicone dental impression material has low wet ability due to the moisture on the surface of teeth.

MMR (Mold Making Rubber)

MMR (Mold Making Rubber) is a RTV 3K condensation silicone, using Base, curing agent and accelerator. It is mainly used for industrial Rollers and has properties that can effectively remove dirt, find dust and dust on the surface of products. Very stable to remove dirt and dust even after a long period of use.

  • FS (Fire-Stop system)

  • DM (Dental impression materials)

  • MMR (Mold Making Rubber)


Fire-Stop System

FS(Fire-Stop System) is fire-stop material and designed based on Silicone Rubber’s unique characteristics such as high temperature resistance, flame retardant, sound-proofness and air-tightness. Once the two parts mixed, the mixture is to be blown and cured two or three times within 1 ~ 5 minutes and stiffens to become a closed cell sponge-type elastomer.

FS(Fire-Stop System) is used as fire-stop material for skyscrapers, hotels, department stores, nuclear power plant, thermal power plants, chemical plants, refineries where the demand for a perfect fireproof sealing material is on the rise.

  • FS (Fire-Stop system)

  • DM (Dental impression materials)

  • MMR (Mold Making Rubber)


Dental Impression Materials

A Dental Impression Material is one of the most important materials that is used in the process of dental prosthetics. It imprints dentition or surrounding structures of oral cavity and provides detailed and stable negative of teeth. Comparing with other common Dental Impression Materials such as agar, alginate, polyester, polysulfide and condensation silicone, addition silicone dental impression material has excellent elastic recovery, short working and curing time, no deformation after fully cured, high dimensional stability and also provides excellent detail reproduction. Silicone dental impression material called Sildent is hydrophilic addition silicone that has good wet ability when condensation silicone dental impression material has low wet ability due to the moisture on the surface of teeth. Dental Impression Materials consist of light, regular, heavy and putty by variation of viscosity.

  • FS (Fire-Stop system)

  • DM (Dental impression materials)

  • MMR (Mold Making Rubber)


MMR (Mold Making Rubber)

MMR (Mold Making Rubber) is a RTV 3K condensation silicone, using Base, curing agent and accelerator. It is mainly used for industrial Rollers and has properties that can effectively remove dirt, find dust and dust on the surface of products. Very stable to remove dirt and dust even after a long period of use. Also it is possible to use in a wide range of temperatures due to silicone rubber's unique properties of heat resistance and low temperature retention.

  • FS (Fire-Stop system)

  • DM (Dental impression materials)

  • MMR (Mold Making Rubber)

  • SS (Silicone Sheet)
  • PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)


SS (Silicone Sheet)

SS is a specially processed silicone product. In contrast to the current trend of slimming and miniaturization of the electrical and electronic products in the IT industry, there are equipped with highly functional and composite functional features. Therefore, the ability to effectively block the heat generated by overloading, which in turn prevents the devices from functioning properly, has become an important element of SS.

PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)

Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) refers to those with ability to adhere to the intended surfaces with application of slight pressure, can be detached easily without leaving any traces on the surface, and can be adhered to the intended surfaces again by maintaining its adhesiveness and adhesive strength.

  • SS (Silicone Sheet)

  • PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)


Silicone Sheet

SS is a specially processed silicone product. In contrast to the current trend of slimming and miniaturization of the electrical and electronic products in the IT industry, there are equipped with highly functional and composite functional features. Therefore, the ability to effectively block the heat generated by overloading, which in turn prevents the devices from functioning properly, has become an important element of SS

HRS is manufacturing products by specially processing special silicone including the thermal conductive silicone used in the IT areas, electrical conductivesilicone, silicone capable of blocking and absorbing electromagnetic waves, functional siliconetape, ultrathin sheet, silicone foam for industrial use, self-adhesive silicone, smoke resistant silicone, siliconegasket, siliconetube and packing, etc.

  • SS (Silicone Sheet)

  • PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)


Pressure Sensitive Adhesive

Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) refers to those with ability to adhere to the intended surfaces with application of slight pressure, can be detached easily without leaving any traces on the surface, and can be adhered to the intended surfaces again by maintaining its adhesiveness and adhesive strength.

Pressure Sensitive Silicone Adhesive has outstanding adhesion and coagulation strength, better electrical properties and outstanding heat resistance in comparison to the ordinary organic pressure sensitive adhesives. Therefore, its application is increasingly expanding into the areas including films used in electrical/electronic processes or heat resistance, protection and LCD protective liquid crystal film, etc. with its types becoming increasingly more segmented.

  • SS (Silicone Sheet)

  • PSA (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive)

  • Silicone Compression Molding
  • Silicone Extrusion
  • Silicone Sponge Extrusion

Silicone Rubber

Silicone Compression Molding

Compression molding is one of the fabricating methods. Depending on the shape of molding plate, different shape of silicone rubber article can be produced. Heat and pressure are need in compression molding. Compression molding is most commonly used as the working operation can be set up either in manual system or automation system.

Silicone Extrusion

According to the molding method and mixing ratio, silicone hose products, which require a mass production, are convenient to add special filler (heat resistance, flame retardant, weatherability, oil resistance, non-toxic etc). Also exact size, color and shape of products can be produced depending on the customers needs.

Silicone Sponge Extrusion

When a pyrolyed-blowing agent and heat are added at the same time in the process of mixing silicone, a silicone sponge form can be produced. To produce this silicone sponge form, high advanced skills, techniques, equipments and processing know-how are needs.

  • Silicone Compression Molding

  • Silicone Extrusion

  • Silicone Sponge Extrusion

Silicone Compression Molding

Compression molding is one of the fabricating methods. Depending on the shape of molding plate, different shape of silicone rubber article can be produced. Heat and pressure are need in compression molding. Compression molding is most commonly used as the working operation can be set up either in manual system or automation system.

  • Silicone Compression Molding

  • Silicone Extrusion

  • Silicone Sponge Extrusion

Silicone Extrusion

According to the molding method and mixing ratio, silicone hose products, which require a mass production, are convenient to add special filler (heat resistance, flame retardant, weatherability, oil resistance, non-toxic etc). Also exact size, color and shape of products can be produced depending on the customers needs.

  • Silicone Compression Molding

  • Silicone Extrusion

  • Silicone Sponge Extrusion

Silicone Sponge

When a pyrolyed-blowing agent and heat are added at the same time in the process of mixing silicone, a silicone sponge form can be produced. To produce this silicone sponge form, high advanced skills, techniques, equipments and processing know-how are needs.

  • Silicone Compression Molding

  • Silicone Extrusion

  • Silicone Sponge Extrusion

  • Silicone for Personal Care


Silicone Emulsion

Silicone Emulsion is insoluble silicones which silicone oil is evenly dispersed in water without using any organic solvent. It is composed of surfactant, oil, silicone oil and other additives. The market demand for silicone emulsion is increasing due to its characteristics of Eco-Friendly products. Silicone has low surface tension, excellent water repellency, colorless, tasteless and odorless. It's very safe and widely used to make skin/body care products, sun care product, shampoo, hair care products such as treatment and color cosmetic products.

  • Silicone Emulsion


Silicone Emulsion

Silicone Emulsion is insoluble silicones which silicone oil is evenly dispersed in water without using any organic solvent. It is composed of surfactant, oil, silicone oil and other additives. The market demand for silicone emulsion is increasing due to its characteristics of Eco-Friendly products. Silicone has low surface tension, excellent water repellency, colorless, tasteless and odorless. It's very safe and widely used to make skin/body care products, sun care product, shampoo, hair care products such as treatment and color cosmetic products.

  • Silicone Emulsion

  • Silicone encapsulant
  • PI film
  • FVMQ
  • OCA
  • PRC
  • Hard Coating
  • Graphite
  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments

Silicone encapsulant

Silicone encapsulant

This product has the function of protecting the LED chip and transmitting light to the outside. It is a transparent silicone material that covers the emitting layer of the chip.
Currently, it is widely applied in the lighting industry, display, and automobile markets.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments

silicone encapsulant

silicone encapsulant

This product has the function of protecting the LED chip and transmitting light to the outside. It is a transparent silicone material that covers the emitting layer of the chip.
Currently, it is widely applied in the lighting industry, display, and automobile markets.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • Fluorine silicon

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating

  • Heat dissipation

  • Graphite

  • Curing agents/

PI film

PI film

Polyimide (PI) film has excellent physical, electrical and For battery electronic components that have mechanical properties and require heat resistance This is a very useful material.

Electricity, electronics, IT, heavy industry, automobiles, solar energy, nuclear power and aerospace, etc. Applies to industrial fields that require stable performance in harsh environments.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • Fluorine silicon

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating

  • Heat dissipation

  • Graphite

  • Curing agents/

Fluorine silicone


Fluorine silicone combines excellent properties of silicone rubber, oil resistance and solvent resistance of fluorine rubber. Especially, it is optimized for molded parts in contact with heat, oil and solvent. Also, because of its excellent processability, it can be used in a wide range of fields.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments


OCA(Optical Clear Adhesive)

OCA is an inorganic type adhesive for optical use. It is used between cover glass and touch display panel (TSP) to increase visibility. Less static and less contamination on material makes it widely used in the mobile and display industries.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments


PRC(Paper Release Coating)

PRC(Paper Release Coating) is a product that is coated with silicone on one side or two sides of paper or film. It is used for protecting adhesive on label and sheets. Also for the backside treatment of adhesive tapes. It has excellent release performance, waterproofness, cold resistance, heat resistance, moisture resistance, chemical stability, lubrication and residual adhesiveness resulting from adhering materials. It is widely used as a base material for the whole industries.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments

Hard Coating

Hard Coating

Hard coating material is used for various applications such as index matching film for touch panel of electric and electronic devices, window film for automobiles, cover windows for smart phones.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments

Thermal materials

Thermal Molding/Thermal Tape

Thermal molding material is attached to a heat sources such as TV, Mobile and LED and it is used to transfer the heat generated from the inside effectively.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments



Graphite is used to radiates heat for electronics and electric materials such as smart phones, notebooks, wireless chargers, power banks, electric vehicles

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments

Curing agents/

curing agents

Curing agents is toughening or hardening of a polymer material by corss-linking of polymer chains. Another name is catalyst or cross-linker.


Additives that used in silicone are mainly used for improving heat resistance, flame retardant. Various additives are used to improve productivity, flowability, releasability, elongation, antioxidation, rust prevention and adhesiveness.


It is a raw material in powder form used to create various colors. It is colored insoluble small particles.

  • silicone

  • PI film

  • FVMQ

  • OCA

  • PRC

  • Hard Coating


  • Graphite

  • Curing agents / Additives / Pigments